Wednesday 4 April 2007

Sparrow inspiration


I was walking up the lane from the post box, when I saw what I thought was a bird in the road … it must be a lump of earth that looks like a bird – oh no it’s a sparrow….
I was walking on by, appalled at this little death having happened – then wondered – is it dead ? It certainly had that stillness and lay at a wrong angle.
My thought followed ‘ it must be badly injured and the best thing that can happen is that it is put out of its misery ( by someone else )’

I had turned away ……
……..But hesitated
Thinking of God who numbers all the sparrows
How much more He hates their death.
I hesitated, and then
turned back, bending down to pick up the small creature, it fit into my hand.
I hoped to give it warmth and comfort…Then I prayed for the little creature to have healing – I could feel deep breaths and a tiny occasional heart beat.

Next …. home and a scramble to find a small box make holes, find bedding (polystyrene ss ) all one-handed and carefully and quietly – then in with the little thing and close the box with tape and up into a quiet warm place.
For surely if the little sparrow had stayed injured and vulnerable in the cold and dark, then it would have left this world.

The next morning - there was a movement in the box, and as I carried it, there was a fluttering and a strong fluttering!
Quick, go outside, the box pointing out over my neighbours garden ( with its safe trees), cut the tape …..

And a sparrow shot out of the box and away over next door, up and over the field beyond…..with a whirr of wings.

Look at the lessons !

Life on Wings

You may be facing a terrible situation but even in your fear – hesitate – do not avoid what you have to do
If you have turned away, turn back – with help you can do what you need to do
Our Jesus is the source of Life and Healing and Hope – a prayer in faith is answered.
We all need the warmth of Love, Comfort, we need Quiet and with time Healing can come – will come from God.
He wants us to be lifted up by Him, lifted up as if we are flying upwards and onwards in Life on Whirring Wings.
Be encouraged He counts the sparrows as precious – how much more He is seeking to hold you safe this very moment.

There is a song which says “ His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me”
If I in all my weakness was able to pick up a sparrow and to see it saved – how much more can you find Jesus ready and able to Comfort you and to give you Life.

You may be facing someone else’s terrible situation or situations….
And the scale of them makes you want to leave it all alone – after all what can you do ?
And there is the question, don’t fear what you can’t do, hesitate, look again at the situation, what can you do ?
Your friend is in need – can you send a letter, enclose some money as a gift, write a card, make a meal, give a hug, sit in silence and cry with them?
The world is in need let us hesitate before we turn away and say – what can I do …..
Can you send a letter, enclose money, speak out, start the project, help, try again, pray ……
We know one who can do and is doing and has done much, and He has promised to answer the prayer of His Child – Life Healing is available.

The times we face seem so insurmountable and grim – and us powerless like an insignificant sparrow knocked down and left in the road…..but